All students in the Spirit of Houston Band, Cheer, Dance, and Mascots are required to submit basic medical information as part of their registration process for band (can be found on the registration form). This information is important for the organization to have on file in case of emergency situations throughout the year, as well as to best serve all students.
Medically Related Documents
Here are links to other medically related documents that you might need during the school year. All SOH students should read the first four (4) documents but remember, for reference purposes, where to find the other topics coved in this list.
General Medical Information
health communication;
hydration, nutrition, sun protection;
prevention of foot, ankle, leg injuries;
prevention of colds, flu;
psychological counseling services;
student health center services;
hearing, audiology services;
eye, ophthalmology services;
student health insurance services;
contact band physician for counseling
Shoe and Insole Recommendations
Performance Anxiety and Stress Management
Noise Induced Hearing Loss [NIHL]
Drum Major Information
Other Health Documents